Thursday, October 14, 2010

Not looking forward to the Holiday Season.

I have always enjoyed the Holiday Season. I absolutely love Thanksgiving, and Christmas. With this holiday season, I'm getting older, I have no significant other to spend my Holiday season with. I'm trying to get another job on top of my current job, so my expectations for this Holiday Season, are to work, work, and do more work. I have had previous addictions in my life, I've had quite a few loves. Currently the only thing I'm addicted to is money, and the only love I have is to myself and my family. I look forward to spending time with my family, and seeing my pregnant sister, and brother in-law, and my older brother and his wife. I'm also looking forward to November. For those of you that know me my birthday is at the end of November. Along with that, its the day after Thanksgiving. I also enjoy to play video games on the occasion, here in the past 3 months I've steadily grew away from gaming, but Call of duty: Black Ops comes out in November. I enjoy playing games because its a way for my brother and I to communicate and enjoy ourselves while live over 200 miles away from each other.
      If there was something fun that I could do during the Holiday Season, then maybe I would be looking more forward to it. If anyone has interesting holiday plans then let me know


  1. Sounds like you have a fun filled couple of months. Work, work, work, family and food! I love Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mainly for all the food and stuff but I like to visit with my family to. All my family lives really close though so it is not to out of the ordinary to just go visit all of them at once so I guess it is not as special as it is to most people but we still manage to all hang out and have fun. I am sort of addicted to money too. I hate the process of getting money but when that big fat check comes in it is LOVELY!

  2. I have noticed that I also haven't played the amount of video games I used to. In high school I would play Diablo 2 for hours on end every day after school.

    I recently bought Fallout 3 because I heard such good things about it and I was hooked. I played it for hours every day. I haven't stayed up all night playing a video game in years until I escaped from Vault 101 in Fallout. I am counting the days until Fallout New Vegas comes out (its 4 by the way). I will be picking up the collector's edition from Best Buy the morning of the release and no one will see me for days. I'm also excited to hear any news about Diablo 3 coming out of Blizzcon.

  3. Ah the holidays. Just because you don't have a significant other doesn't mean it won't be a great one. I myself prefer to not be with anyone. More money to spend, more stress, etc. As you mentioned, video games seem to be the best route to go. Black Ops, yes amazing game, and XBOX Live is definatly a great way to spend your time. I also enjoy spending hours on end on the XBOX. It's unfortunate that your brother lives so far away, but that's another excuse to play your game console ALL day
